ID Property (Folder Object) 

The ID property returns the unique identifier of this Folder object as a string. Read-only.



Data Type



MAPI systems assign a permanent, unique identifier string when an object is created. These identifiers do not change from one MAPI session to another.

The ID property corresponds to the MAPI property PR_ENTRYID, converted to a string of hexadecimal characters.


' save the current ID and restore using Session.GetFolder

'          fragment from Session_Inbox

    Set objFolder = objSession.Inbox

'          fragment from Folder_FolderID

    strFolderID = objFolder.ID

    MsgBox "Current Folder ID = " & strFolderID

'          can later restore using objSession.GetFolder(strFolderID)

'          fragment from Session_GetFolder

    If "" = strFolderID Then

        MsgBox ("Must first set folder ID variable; see Folder->ID")

        Exit Function

    End If

    Set objFolder = objSession.GetFolder(strFolderID)

    ' error checking here...


See Also

Folders Property (Folder Object)32E.JIP, GetFolder Method (Session Object)67IU1J